Pet Memorials

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Click on the memorials below to see the tributes made in loving memory of the pets who are no longer with us and are greatly missed by our clients...

Zeus the Dog

Zeus - Loved by Their Owner

Dog - aged 8

Passed 11/04/2023

Holly the Dog

Holly - Loved by Louise F Mulvey

Dog - aged 12

Passed 16/04/2022

Dexter the Dog

Dexter - Loved by Phill Torode

Dog - aged 13

Passed 08/04/2023

Toffi the Dog

Toffi - Loved by Magdalena Konieczna

Dog - aged 12

Passed 08/04/2023

Toto the Dog

Toto - Loved by Holly Kate Molloy

Dog - aged 16

Passed 21/03/2023

Fairy the Dog

Fairy - Loved by Victoria Welsh

Dog - aged 11

Passed 27/03/2023

Molly the Dog

Molly - Loved by Tori Lei Trainor

Dog - aged 15

Passed 10/03/2023

Barney the Dog

Barney - Loved by Nancy Bland

Dog - aged 12

Passed 10/03/2023

Brooke the Horse

Brooke - Loved by Natasha A Cantwell

Horse - aged 31

Passed 19/02/2023

Ozzie the Dog

Ozzie - Loved by Lezley L Charker

Dog - aged 13

Passed 08/03/2023

Duke the Dog

Duke - Loved by Jacqueline Ward Rudd

Dog - aged 8

Passed 15/02/2023

Lucy OBrien the Dog

Lucy OBrien - Loved by Rhys O'Brien

Dog - aged 11

Passed 05/03/2023